The following criteria must be met in order to receive the Lexus & Mentored Grant:
- Business plan to be submitted prior to receiving grant
- Business plan to outline how grant funding will be used to see through innovation
- Quarterly KPIs set against business plan
- KPIs to be reviewed quarterly to ensure proper usage of grant and development as pitched
If the above cannot be met, it may result in:
- If initial business plan is not submitted, grant may be allocated to another entrant
- Further information and detail such as ratification and proof of concept may be requested, if not submitted grant may be allocated to another entrant
- If grant successfully awarded and quarterly KPIs are not, it may result in:
- Termination of Mentored subscription
- Termination of Lexus partnership
- Termination of continued access to Lexus and/or Mentored personnel.
As part of entering the promotion, you agree that:
- By taking part in the Lexus & Mentored grant you will allow Lexus and Mentored use of your data which will be captured through entry and submission to Lexus & Mentored grant
- Lexus and Mentored can use your data, which may result in seeing advertising from Lexus or Mentored
- Lexus and Mentored reserve the right and discretion to select recipients of the grant as per their internal codes of conduct
- Lexus and Mentored can store your contact details for a period of 24 months
- Lexus and Mentored reserve the right to revoke sponsorship if agreed KPIs are not met
- Lexus and Mentored can terminate association at their discretion if any behaviour unbecoming should occur, or be made apparent